Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Alicja Kwade

more balls...more interesting...more about scale and "terrestrial" displacement. These are also a site for dance festival and sound/costume works by Mariechen Danz.


This work presents an ironic collision between the natural and the foreign with regard to both technology and displacement. iPhones are compared to primitive stone tools in a vitrine. An accompanying video shows a young woman (always without her face showing), walking around a city carrying a stone tool similarly to the way one would carry a cell phone, in plain view. In another video piece, the edge of an Macbook Air laptop, with ax handle attached, is sharpened using traditional hand-sharpening techniques with a wet stone.  Then an apple is sliced in half to demonstrate its sharpness. The laptop is also on display in a vitrine. Another project documents Japanese Snow Monkeys displaced to Texas.

Martin Cordiano - Common Places

The text for this piece infers isolation within an architectural model/plan. The artist is an exiled Argentinian. The structure acts as allegory. For me it mostly remains formalist.

Lee Mengwei - The Mending Project

As an installation, thread is arranged on spindles on the walls that lead to a table of mended clothing. The artist and/or assistants invite visitors to bring clothes to the table to mend and in this process exchange stories about the garments and their histories. When the garment is mended, it is added to the table.

Maria Lai

Collections of materials from Sardinia, inspired through collective performance rituals threading together people from their houses to the mountain near to Ullasia, the Telai series (looms) uses threading and knots and bows to create a visual code of connectedness of families and relationships.

cloud burst arsenale alley

Gal Weinstein - Sun Stand Still

El Al - installation that presents the moment of a launch of a missile or rocket over the cultivated fields in Israel. (Jezreel Valley in the Dark) The fields are a simulation built with the dregs of coffee grinds. The installation wall and floor surfaces are covered with mold in patterns and images depicting the biblical moment when the sun and the moon were commanded to stand still (Moon Over Ayalon Valley). The ongoing decay is juxtaposed with the frozen moment of the simulated launch made physical.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Franz Erhard Walther

These sewn sculptural objects suggest performativity - to inhabit these works like costumes or theatrical props and spaces. By doing so, literally, the viewer's position shifts to performer thereby prohibiting the viewing circumstance and "becoming" the work. (video link to come)


David Medalla - A Stitch In Time

Begun in 1968, the project invites viewers to embroider personal objects onto the work each time it is presented embracing randomness and surrendering personal objects to the public space.



Michelle Stuart - materiality of found objects

Material collected from Gallapagos, New Mexico,  Machu Pichu, Morocco...
fabricated/preserved with seeds, linen, stone, encaustic, paper, wood,...