Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sharon Lockhardt

A project with young Polish women, Lockhardt builds a kind of portrait of this group of women from the Youth Socio-Therapy Center that builds empowerment of girls coming of age.

Enclavia/Serbia - Painting, a Consequence of This Kind of Life

Cinthia Marcelle - video by Tiago Mata Machado ["chao de caca" (hunting floor?)]

The project presents a destabilizing atmosphere - from the slanted steel grated floor, stones stuck in the grid and some visible through the floor, flag-like posts, snake-like roping, to the video which depicts workers/prisoners removing a tile roof from inside - images of imprisonment and uprising and escape.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

to resume...

home again...when the jet lag subsides, posts will resume.